NoRD Bio SmartRD


No needles, no blood.

At home saliva collection for ease of use and convenience. Say goodbye to long waits at clinics and the stress and missing work. Test as frequently as you want, where you want.

Cutting edge

Stay on top of research and cancer.

No time for bureaucratic nonsense when the stakes are that high. Non-invasive diagnostic doesn't need to be scrutinized. Participate in research and that can make all the difference.


Every cancer is different.

It's your battle and NoRD Bio is on your side. SmartRD personalized detection platform will catch variants specific to your disease. Navigate your own path to success.

Your Questions ... Answered

Did my treatment work?
Do I need a different therapy?
Is the cancer still in check?

SmartRD will tell.

What is MRD?

MRD measures number of cancer cells that can escape treatment and remain in the body.

These cells can be at such low levels that they don’t cause any physical signs or symptoms. But that doesn’t mean the cancer is totally gone.

MRD shows how much, if any, cancer remains in your body during treatment or reappears after treatment.

Monitoring your MRD status will help you and your doctor manage decisions along your cancer journey. That's how SmartRD helps.

SmartRD is Unique

Unique non-invasive personalized continuous cutting edge MRD monitoring.

It is non-invasive!

No need to go to the doctors and deal with the needles all the time! Do it from home: just collect a saliva sample and mail it. We'll do the rest.

Personalized and thus superior

Based on your cancer genomics SmartRD will be looking specifically for peculiar markers related to your disease as no other test can.

Continuous monitoring

Do the testing every quarter or even every month – to beat the cancer to the punch. Our report will tell what's on the horizon and you will be the first to know when to act.

Cutting edge research